XCM Disclosure : Nodle

Nodle Network

Thanks for considering our application we are excited to be part of Moonbeam!

Network Information:

Nodle is connecting reality. With trillions of devices coming online, Nodle provides a programmable layer to create value through connections between humans, devices and data. The first revenues are coming from insurance companies who use a crowd of smartphone users to locate Bluetooth connected vehicles.

Q1: Is the Blockchain Code Open-Source (and include Github link)?:
If parts of the code are not open source: please provide information on why not

Q2: Is Sudo-enabled on the Network? If Sudo is disabled, is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses?

  • Sudo is disabled, upgrades are managed through the technical committee

Q3: Is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses (<50 addresses)?

  • The technical committee consists of 5 members and is in the process of being transitioned to a foundation.

Q4: Have you completed full testing of this integration in Moonbase Alpha?

  • A4: Yes. The nodle main-net has been upgraded to 2.0.30 and is based on polkadot v0.9.37 which includes the XCM and xTokens pallet. This has been tested with moonbeam on the Alphanet (moonbeam’s testnet). The recent update of the codebase that have not been deployed yet (future release 2.1.0) includes major updates on the xcm codebase

Q5: (For Moonbeam XCM/HRMP Proposals Only) Does your network have a Kusama deployment? If yes, please provide Network name and whether your Kusama deployment is integrated with Moonriver

  • No, Nodle operates on a testnet and in production.

Q6: Is your blockchain code Audited? If yes, please provide: i. the name of Auditors, ii. dates of audit reports and, if available, links to audit reports.

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